Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Father's Day! (And a Finished Finish)

I gave away my first stitched gift tonight, to my dad. I found a pattern collection of Celtic knot bookmarks not too long ago and thought this one would be perfect for my dad as his favorite color is green, just like me. :)

It was really fast to stitch; I did it in one Saturday. But of course I left the finishing until the eleventh hour, which probably wasn't a good idea since I had never done it before. But it actually turned out pretty well, I think. I had to sew the folds together on the back, which wasn't much fun. It was hard to get the tension right so the design stayed centered on the front. I also bent a couple needles.

This was just part of his Father's Day gift. I also gave him a Nike t-shirt, which sports (pun intended) a twist on a classic workout phrase. And since he previously inquired if he would be able to eat any of his presents, I thought I had better make him some cookies, which are the size of personal pan pizzas.

All in all, it was a great Father's day, especially when you take into account that I got to have ahi tuna nachos! 

1 comment:

  1. I love the bookmark! And I'm hiding my jealousy quite nicely, I do believe. I am, however, not so successfully hiding my jealousy for AH TUNA NACHOS! I WILL EAT ALL THE THINGS!
