Sunday, September 1, 2013


start-i-tis (n.): a medical condition, commonly found in stitchers (or other crafters), which causes the infected to begin new projects uncontrollably

Dear readers, it has happened. I have somehow contracted startitis. My husband would argue that I have been thus afflicted since I picked up cross stitching several months ago, but from having witnessed this malady among other stitchers, I know that this is not the case. Sure I have started a few projects, but I've also finished several (I even made a pillow!). And only one of the projects that I started was started just for fun, and not for a gift or other such purpose.

Then someone on the Cross Stitch Forum casually mentioned that the last week of August was going to be the new start SAL on the HAED forum (being the rare fifth week of the month). And then someone else mentioned that they would be starting this lovely piece. And then my inner stitcher said "Oh, I have that chart. I wasn't planning on starting it for a long while, seeing as I have this other HAED that needs to be done ASAP, but..."

And that's how I found myself at Hobby Lobby one night, still sweaty and red-faced from the gym, tossing large pieces of fabric and skeins of floss into my cart with reckless abandon (okay, not too reckless, since I was carefully checking my color list). Luckily, I still had some graduation money left over. Also, I picked up some more floss for another project that I need to start soon...shh!

I am hoping to learn how to manage my condition (there is currently no know cure for startitis) and not let it control my life. I am resolute that there will be no more unnecessary starts until at least three of my current gift projects are finished. Or until tomorrow, which ever comes first.

P.S. - After starting the above mentioned piece yesterday, I have discovered one of the many undesirable side effects of startitis. I now have a WIP that I do not want to put down, even though it has the lowest priority (almost negative priority, really) of all my WIPs and need-to-starts. After this weekend, I will have to put it out of sight, because right now every time I pass by my stand it calls out "COME WORK ON ME!!"


  1. I have just two projects I'm working on but really, really want to get into a rotation mode like many others do. Sooo many are calling to me, some days it's hard to know which one I should/could start. lol

  2. I would love to get in a rotation but I keep starting gift projects with deadlines. I did try to map out some goals for next few weeks though, so sort of like a rotation. :)
