Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November Goals

I'm a few days late with this as I was busy gaming my brains out during the Extra-Life event this past weekend. But better late than never!

First, a recap of what my goals for the month of October were.

October Goals
1. Nursery Rhymes 100% complete and ready to be framed (I'm pushing myself on this one)
2. Finish ornament for Cross Stitch Forum ornament exchange and ship
3. Start/finish small to send with Stashmas gift (another exchange on the Cross Stitch forum)
4. Start/finish/send ornament for another gift
5. Stashmas shopping!
6. Start a gift for my husband
7. Finish other baby gift and frame
8. Start band sampler

1. So not even close. I don't even want to think about how not close to this goal I was/am.
2. Done!
3. Done!
4. Done! (except shipping which I will do today)
5. Done!
6. Done!
7. Done!
8. Not done

Extra stuff
I finished up the stitching on a small gift for a friend, so that's an extra finish that was unexpected. I'll post pictures when I'm done with the finishing on it.

I also got all of my unique DMC colors on bobbins, inventoried, and in boxes in numerical order! This was a big goal of mine, and I can't believe I got it done this month. It's great knowing that I can quickly see what I do and don't have in my floss stash. And now I can start working on getting all the colors. :D

I also kitted up a new project that I want to start right now, but that I need to wait on. So excited about that one!

November goals
1. Nursery Rhymes: Still trying to get this done before Christmas. Which means it needs to be the number one focus.
2. Finish gift for Mark (shouldn't be a big deal, it stitches fast)
3. Finish up Tribal Elephant
4. Complete finishing on gift for friend
5. Start on Band Sampler
7. Finish scarf for Mark (knitting)

And that's it! Of course, I am still being overly ambitious, considering I also have to get my rear in gear and start seriously studying. But I wouldn't be me without being overly ambitious, so oh well. :)

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